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List of activities


  • Fundamentals of probability 24/25, King’s College London
  • Probability and statistics 23/24, King’s College London
  • Fundamentals of probability 23/24, King’s College London
  • Into to the dynamical systems 22/23, King’s College London
  • Fundamentals of probability 22/23, King’s College London
  • Honors Algebra 21/22, University of Edinburgh
  • Calculus and Applications 20/21, University of Edinburgh
  • Calculus 17/18, HSE Moscow

I began my PhD in algebraic geometry and non-commutative geometry. But the PhD path is far from being linear and after the first 1.5 years, I switched to a different topic. Before that transfer, I gave two talks - one on Hopf Algebras at GLAMs examples seminar and another on Khovanov homologies at the Knot homologies reading group. Now I am happily studying Bayesian statistics and deep learning whilst the research problem I left without an answer was solved by Patrick Kinnear and his paper Skein module dimensions of mapping tori of the 2-torus